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PhD scholars of MSS

  1. A T Natarajan (1958, Delhi) Cytogenetical studies in some crop plants with special reference to induction of mutations.
  2. S Bhaskaran (1959, Delhi) Studies on the effects of mutagens on wheat and barley with special reference to the relationship between polyploidy and radiosensitivity. II. Polyploidy and the genesis of the leguminous root nodules.
  3. K A Patel (1959, Vallabhbhai Vidyapeeth). Cytogenetical studies and mutation studies in tobacco.  II. Studies on cytogenetical effects of some vegetable and mineral oils.
  4. D Jagathesan (1960, Delhi) Studies on the induction of mutations in wheat and cotton.
  5. C R Bhatia (1960, Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi) Evaluation of utility of radiation induced mutations in wheat breeding.
  6. Miss Satya Nirula (1961, IARI) The effects of ultraviolet pre-treatment and some biological factors on the frequency and spectrum of mutations induced by radiations in wheat and sorghum.
  7. M C Prabhakara Rao (1962, IARI) A cytogenetical evaluation of the phylogenetic relationships among the hexaploid Triticum
  8. Mrs Kanta Sacher (1962, IARI) Studies on interspecific hybridization in the genus Corchorus
  9. S K Banerji (1963, IARI) Studies on the maximisation of the induced mutation frequency in wheat.
  10. M D Upadhya (1963, IARI) Cytogenetical and cytochemical studies in some members of Triticinae
  11. A K Gupta (1963, IARI) Studies on the induction of polygenic variation in Brassica campestris.
  12. M P Singh (1965, IARI) Studies on induced mutations and monosomic analysis as applied to problems in wheat breeding.
  13. R K Mehta (1965, IARI) Breeding potentialities of tetraploid berseem with special reference to regeneration and seed setting.
  14. Miss Puloma A, Desai (1965, IARI) The frequency and spectrum of mutations induced by physical and chemical mutagens in Triticum durum
  15. R Krishnaswami (1965, IARI) The relationship between response to radiations and nature of polyploidy in some crop plants.
  16. J V Goud (1965, IARI) Studies on the frequency and spectrum of viable and micromutations induced by some physical and chemical mutagens in varieties of bread wheat.
  17. P S Bhatnagar (1965, IARI) Study of induced polygenic variability in wheat and barley.
  18. J K Chandra (1965, IARI) Frequency and types of mutations induced by chemical mutagens and ionizing radiations in wheat.
  19. T Srinivas (1966, IARI) Cytogenetic analysis of the Q locus in wheat
  20. P C Kesavan (1966, IARI) Indirect effects of radiations and their applied significance.
  21. G Varughese (1966, IARI) Induction of mutations in dwarf wheat
  22. E A Siddiq (1967, IARI). Induced mutations in relation to the breeding and phylogenetic differentiation of Oryza Sativa.
  23. O P Govilla (1967, Aligarh) Studies on interspecific incompatibility barriers in the genus Gossypium
  24. J A Siddique (1968, Aligarh) Interspecific transfer of characters in Gossypium and intraspecific differentiation studies in arboreum.
  25. R A Pai (1968, Agra) Effect of radiations on crossing over.
  26. M V R Prasad (1968, IARI) Studies on induced mutations in Triticum species
  27. Virendra Kumar (1968, Delhi) Cytogenetical studies on trans-Himalayan genera of the tribe polygonate of Liliaceae
  28. R P Sharma (1968, Agra) Genetic studies of the combined effect of physical and chemical mutagens.
  29. M P Jha (1969, IARI) Location of genes for rust resistance and dwarfing in the wheat varieties Sonora 64 and Lerma Rojo.
  30. M G Joshi (1969, IARI) Genetic affinities and extent of divefgence among tetraploid Triticum species and their subspecies.
  31. H C Bansal (1969, Sardar Patel University) Studies on the induction of mutations with special reference to biochemical traits in chilli and polygenic characters in wheat and barley.
  32. Mrs Chanchal Sarin (1969, Rajasthan) Studies of the multi-valent suppressor gene system present on chromosome 5B of Triticum aestivum
  33. Mrs Rehana Majid (1969, Aligarh) Studies on the induction of mutation in some species of Lycopersicon
  34. C B Singh (1970, IARI) Studies on sub-specific differentiation of Oryza sativa
  35. Y S Nerkar (1970, IARI) Studies on induction of mutation in Lathyrus sativa with special reference to elimination of meurotoxic principle.
  36. N P Mehta (1970, IARI) Studies on breeding of branched ear ideotype in wheat
  37. B N Samolo (1971, IARI) Induction of mutations in bread wheat and study of genetics of some induced mutants.
  38. S S Rajan (1971, BHU) Cytogenetical studies in linseed.
  39. N P Sharma (1971, IARI) Studies on the planned alteration of the spectrum of induced mutations in barley.
  40. Dayanad (1971, Agra) Response of some varieties of wheat sown late to different forms of nitrogen, seed treatments and soil covers.
  41. S P Sharma (1972, IARI) Studies on genetic improvement and agricultural potential of hexaploid triticale.
  42. R P Singh (1972, Agra) Studies on efficiency and economics of fertilizer use for major kharif and rabi crops grown under rainfed conditions.
  43. M A E Ismail (1972, IARI) Studies on variability for protein content generated by mutation and recombination breeding in rice.
  44. H K Singh (1973, Punjab) Agronomic and economic evaluation of some intensive cropping patterns involving fodder and feed crops
  45. K Anand Kumar (1973, IARI) induced variation for protein characteristics in wheat and sorghum
  46. S Bala Ravi (1973, IARI) starch and protein characteristics of rice in relation of phylogeny.
  47. K U Nampoothiri (1973, IARI) Bio-systematic studies in Cocos nucifera L
  48. R N Swahney (1973, Agra) Genetic analysis of rust resistance and some qualitative characters in wheat.
  49. B C Joshi (1973, Agra) Aneuploid analysis of chromosome pairing and resistance to rust in Triticum
  50. K S Parmer (1974, Sardar Patel University) Studies of problems in producing hybrid rice and mutational rectification of some undesirable traits of three tall popular varieties of rice (oryza sativa L)
  51. S Chowdhury (1975, Calcutta) Genetic reconstruction of ideotype in Triticum aestivum L
  52. V P Singh (1976, Agra) Studies on the Genetics of spontaneous and induced dwarf mutations in oryza sativa L
  53. R D Iyer (1976, Bihar) Production and evaluation of inter-specific hybrids, triscomics and mutants in jute.
  54. R K Singh (1976, Bihar) Mutation studies in jute, Corchorus sp
  55. G N Kar (1977, Bihar) Mutational reconstruction of wheat ideotype.
  56. Narendra Gupta (1978, IARI) Induction and isolation of mutations in Triticum species
  57. K P S Chauhan (1982, Delhi University) Studies on the impact of ageing on viability and cytogenetic behavious of seed and some crop plants.
  58. Bui Ba Bong (1991, IARI, New Delhi) studies on mechanism to enhance hybrid seed production in rice oryza sativa L
  59. N Subramonian (1995, Madras) Studies on Genetic Diversity in some Rhizophora species.
  60. P Balakrishna (1995, Osmania University) Genetic, physiological and molecular basis of salt tolerance in oryza sativa L and Porteresia coarctata Tateoka
  61. M Jayanthi (1997, University of Madras) Saving endangered plants : A case study on Crotalaria longipes wight & Arn.
  62. C Srinivasa Rao (1998, Osmania University) Studies on Clonal Propagation of some Indian Mangroves and Species Differentiation in the Genus Rhizophora.
  63. K Narender (1998, Osmania University). Environment Vs. Development of Narmada Valley
  64. M Lakshmi (1999, University of Madras) Genetic Diversity in Mangrove species of the Family Rhizophoraceae
  65. Ajith Anand (1999, University of Madras) Studies on genetic diversity, propagation and rehabilitation of a critically endangered tree species: Syzygium travancoricum Gamble
  66. S Balaji (2000, Forest Research Institute, Deemed University, Dehra Dun). Impact of Interface Forestry Programme on Biodiversity Status in Selected Forest Areas of Tamil Nadu.
  67. Latha Rangan (2001, University of Madras), Studies on Propagation, Genetic Relationship and Characterization of salinity tolerance in porteresia coarctata (Roxb.) Tateoka, wild relative of rice.
  68. Radha R (2001, University of Madras), Studies on Conservation, Micropropagation and Characterization of Bioactive Secondary Metabolites in some Medicinal Plants.
  69. Eganathan P (2002, University of Madras). Studies on conservation, clonal propagation and assessment of economic characters in the three members of the mangrove system
  70. Rengalakshmi R (2003, University of Madras). Conservation biology of little millet (panicum sumatrense Rothex Roem. A Schultz) landraces of Kolli Hills, South India
  71. Israel Oliver King, E D (2005, University of Madras). Sacred Forests of Kolli Hills, Tamil Nadu, India : A Study on Botany, Ecology and Community Interactions.
  72. Sankararamasubramanian, H M (2006, University of Madras). Studies on Sodium Chloride Tolerance in Sesuvium Portulacastrum L)
  73. Gnanappazham, L (2008, University of Madras). A Remote Sensing and GIS based Decision Support System for the Effective Management of Pichavaram Mangrove Wetland, South India.
  74. Geetha Rani, M (2008, University of Madras). Plant Resources of Pachamalai Region with special reference to Indigenous Knowledge
  75. Deepa Verma (2009, University of Madras). The Sustainability of Farming Systems : Integrating the Objectives of Conservation with the Economics of Farming in the Rice Farming Systems of Tamil Nadu
  76. Balakrishnan V (2010, University of Madras). Ethnobotany, Diversity and Conseration of Wild Yams (Dioscorea) of Southern Western Ghats, India.
  77. Manjula Menon (2017, University of Madras).  An Econometric analysis of household cooking energy choice and demand : The case of Odisha and Tamil Nadu
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